So I should be working right now. In a perfect world, I would be starting another client and finishing up two that I got a few days ago. But I am tired, and Christmas break seems to have already started for me tonight. For at least tonight. Tomorrow is always a new day! Right?
I have a darling new client that I got today. She loves everything vintage and charming, and is Mormon. I love her already. I have found myself lost in the pages of beautiful inspirational blogs she has sent me--one in particular, The Daybook. I happened to like this blog. A LOT! I have seriously been captivated for about an hour now. What a breath of fresh air. She is a great writer and talented designer. I want her wittiness, charm and clothes, now. *Sigh.
Not a whole lot else is going on in the Altom household. The Mr. is in watching a BYU game and Livie is sleeping like a little angel in her bed. What a little sweetie I have. Tonight we went to dinner with Chris and Kimmie and she giggled and laughed until she tuckered herself right out. She is turning into a very social, giggly little girl. Her new tricks involve twirling and singing--can't get any cuter than that, if you ask me.
Tomorrow I am going to work hard on getting my presents wrapped, start a new client, and finish my poem books and deliver them. I am so thrilled with the poems my students wrote. I would love to post them on this blog for you all to read--you would be just as touched as I was while reading them. It's amazing what nine to 18 year olds can think of and write. I will be delivering them to Utah Valley Regional Medical Center for the children in the Cancer Unit. What a special gift for them to receive days before Christmas.
Hope you are all having a wonderful week and aren't as last minute as me. Merry Christmas!
What We've Been Up To..
So we haven't blogged in a very long time. So sorry we have neglected you, poor blog. I have been so busy with work and I keep thinking we don't really have a lot going on, but as I thought about it more, I realized that a lot has been going on since I posted last.
Our little baby girl is quickly becoming a very beautiful little girl. She is growing up so fast, losing her baby fat, and even getting long, wavy hair. Not to mention all those teeth she has, now. She has 12 teeth--quite the mouthful! *I need to get Craig to upload some pictures from our camera from Liv's Birthday and more recent events.
Craig is finishing up his last week of school for the semester! We are both so excited to have one more semester down with only one more to go at LDSBC! I'm sure Craig is so relieved that he will be attending a school just down the street next fall. Thank Heaven!
Like I said, I am keeping very busy with school, custom blog design, being a mom, and finishing up final preparations for Christmas. I have been working like crazy trying to finish up twelve blogging clients this month (I thought this goal was much more attainable at the beginning of the month. I hope I can make it). This is the main reason why I don't blog a lot. Blogging on my personal blog doesn't seem very fun after a long day of chasing Olivia and doing custom blog work. I decided to take a break today, though, and give our blog a face lift. I had been wanting to for seemed like a good day.
I hope to post soon about some other going's about in our lives. I have a fun project I am finishing up with my students for Christmas that I want to share.
Hope you are all doing well and having a wonderful Holiday Season!
Our little baby girl is quickly becoming a very beautiful little girl. She is growing up so fast, losing her baby fat, and even getting long, wavy hair. Not to mention all those teeth she has, now. She has 12 teeth--quite the mouthful! *I need to get Craig to upload some pictures from our camera from Liv's Birthday and more recent events.
Craig is finishing up his last week of school for the semester! We are both so excited to have one more semester down with only one more to go at LDSBC! I'm sure Craig is so relieved that he will be attending a school just down the street next fall. Thank Heaven!
Like I said, I am keeping very busy with school, custom blog design, being a mom, and finishing up final preparations for Christmas. I have been working like crazy trying to finish up twelve blogging clients this month (I thought this goal was much more attainable at the beginning of the month. I hope I can make it). This is the main reason why I don't blog a lot. Blogging on my personal blog doesn't seem very fun after a long day of chasing Olivia and doing custom blog work. I decided to take a break today, though, and give our blog a face lift. I had been wanting to for seemed like a good day.
I hope to post soon about some other going's about in our lives. I have a fun project I am finishing up with my students for Christmas that I want to share.
Hope you are all doing well and having a wonderful Holiday Season!
My Baby Girl Is One Tomorrow
I have a lot to be grateful for today. My heart is absolutely full! Tomorrow is the first birthday of my little girl, Olivia. What a joy this first year has been.
As I sat, reminiscing [if you will], about where I was at at this exact moment one year ago, I couldn't help but remember what was going through my mind. Excitement, fear, anticipation. I was in the beginning stages of labor. My contractions had started around 7:30 pm while I was on my way home from work. I had made a trip into the hospital the night before, only to be sent home, so tonight I was going to wait it out at home as long as I could. I didn't want to be sent home twice. There's nothing worse than seeing a janitor cleaning the hallway in the hospital on the way in and being told, "Oh, that stinks!" As you pass him on the way back out a few hours later.
I sat at home until around midnight and, as soon as I began to feel so nauseous that I began to throw up, I knew it was time to leave. I remember getting in the car and driving off into the dark night. We were going to have our baby!
When we got to the hospital I remember going up the elevator and feeling my heart beating really well, now. Adrenaline rush! I remember dressing into my gown and getting into bed. Oh, how uncomfortable that bed was. I don't remember the times as well as Craig, but I think it was about one o'clock when the doctor came in and broke my water and gave me an epidural. The epidural was painless and not half as bad as I thought it would be. In fact, I think the worst part was just having my IV put in my hand. It might as well have been the first day on duty for the first nurse that tried to put the IV in my hand. My vein kept jumping and she couldn't get the needle in. It hurt surprisingly A LOT and I tried to play it all tough, but tears were running down my face.
My mom used to joke about how weird the epidural was and having to holler at my dad to help her slide her legs back on the table. I had no idea how funny this actually was until I lived it. Maybe our legs really aren't sliding at all, it's just a combination of the drugs and the fact that we can't feel or control anything at all from our waste down.
After several hours of having the epidural I was very ready to be done. I was nauseous, uncomfortable, and tired. I don't know how people can sleep in a hospital bed or even relax enough to fall asleep while you're in labor for that matter. My attempt at obeying my doctor and sleeping was not very successful.
I must have fallen asleep, because my doctor woke me up at nine o'clock and told me that I was fully dilated and ready to go. I panicked and my initial reaction was, "I'm too tired." I was scared out of my mind.
The next few minutes were not half as bad as I thought they would be, though. My doctor joked with me that I couldn't tell anyone in Relief Society about how easy the actual delivery was. Phew!
There's nothing more magical than the first moment with your baby, though. I will never forget when all of the doctors had left and it was just our little family. The spirit testified to me so powerfully that my baby was truly a daughter of God. Her spirit was so strong and beautiful.
Over the next few hours and days I can't express enough gratitude to the friends and family who came to visit our new family in the hospital and showered us with your love, support, and beautiful gifts for Olivia. It truly meant the world that you all sacrificed time out of your busy lives to celebrate the birth of our baby girl. What a special moment that we will never forget.
As I sat, reminiscing [if you will], about where I was at at this exact moment one year ago, I couldn't help but remember what was going through my mind. Excitement, fear, anticipation. I was in the beginning stages of labor. My contractions had started around 7:30 pm while I was on my way home from work. I had made a trip into the hospital the night before, only to be sent home, so tonight I was going to wait it out at home as long as I could. I didn't want to be sent home twice. There's nothing worse than seeing a janitor cleaning the hallway in the hospital on the way in and being told, "Oh, that stinks!" As you pass him on the way back out a few hours later.
I sat at home until around midnight and, as soon as I began to feel so nauseous that I began to throw up, I knew it was time to leave. I remember getting in the car and driving off into the dark night. We were going to have our baby!
When we got to the hospital I remember going up the elevator and feeling my heart beating really well, now. Adrenaline rush! I remember dressing into my gown and getting into bed. Oh, how uncomfortable that bed was. I don't remember the times as well as Craig, but I think it was about one o'clock when the doctor came in and broke my water and gave me an epidural. The epidural was painless and not half as bad as I thought it would be. In fact, I think the worst part was just having my IV put in my hand. It might as well have been the first day on duty for the first nurse that tried to put the IV in my hand. My vein kept jumping and she couldn't get the needle in. It hurt surprisingly A LOT and I tried to play it all tough, but tears were running down my face.
My mom used to joke about how weird the epidural was and having to holler at my dad to help her slide her legs back on the table. I had no idea how funny this actually was until I lived it. Maybe our legs really aren't sliding at all, it's just a combination of the drugs and the fact that we can't feel or control anything at all from our waste down.
After several hours of having the epidural I was very ready to be done. I was nauseous, uncomfortable, and tired. I don't know how people can sleep in a hospital bed or even relax enough to fall asleep while you're in labor for that matter. My attempt at obeying my doctor and sleeping was not very successful.
I must have fallen asleep, because my doctor woke me up at nine o'clock and told me that I was fully dilated and ready to go. I panicked and my initial reaction was, "I'm too tired." I was scared out of my mind.
The next few minutes were not half as bad as I thought they would be, though. My doctor joked with me that I couldn't tell anyone in Relief Society about how easy the actual delivery was. Phew!
There's nothing more magical than the first moment with your baby, though. I will never forget when all of the doctors had left and it was just our little family. The spirit testified to me so powerfully that my baby was truly a daughter of God. Her spirit was so strong and beautiful.
She's finally here!
One of my favorite things of this day was watching the proud dad show off his little girl. I think I have never heard of a prouder Dad, flaunting and showing off his little girl in the nursery after she had taken her first bath. My family couldn't get over how much they loved Craig holding Olivia up like a scene out of Lion King while they all stood, ecstatic, behind the glass wall of the nursery.Olivia and Daddy right before we left the hospital. Bundled up in the quilt her great Aunt made her.
Craig loved the cafe' in the hospital. He was one happy boy at this moment.
Over the next few hours and days I can't express enough gratitude to the friends and family who came to visit our new family in the hospital and showered us with your love, support, and beautiful gifts for Olivia. It truly meant the world that you all sacrificed time out of your busy lives to celebrate the birth of our baby girl. What a special moment that we will never forget.
My new baby and me!
So little!
1. What is your favorite commercial on TV right now? Wow, I haven't honestly watched TV in a long time. The 40' tree that fell on Monday took out our satellite so we are going without TV right now.
2.What do you and your significant other argue about most often?
Um, probably laundry and who has to switch it out and fold it..I hate laundry!
3. If you were the lunch lady at school, what would you make to gross the kids out? Eww! probably jello. I hate that stuff!
4. What clique would you say that you belonged to in high school?
Um, I'm really trying to put my finger on it. I guess you would say that I ran around with the really "nice" group. You know, the group that everyone knows and admires? haha jk All of my girlfriends were really outgoing and really, really, sweet. And pretty. I was always playing match maker--hated it!
5. Open up your picture file on your computer. Count across or down 7 pictures, and you are not allowed to skip! Post it for us to see with a caption explaining if you would like.
Wow, this is a classic. How could anyone top this Halloween costume? Don't even try!
6. What is your worst experience as an employee?
Wow, how to even choose. I think getting a phone call from the police at one o'clock in the morning and being interrogated about missing till money is at the top of the list, though. I thought my poor, innocent self was going to be put in jail that night.
7. What item can you never walk by in the grocery store without being seriously tempted to buy? Hmmm.. Probably brownie mix or goodies of some kind.
8. The most awkward thing to happen to you last week was...
hmm..I really can't think of one off the top of my head.
Oh, sheesh..I just realized that Ash has questions of her own. I am not even going to bother to erase these and I'll answer the ones below. Bare with me here. questions...
1) Go to your picture folder...go to your forth picture folder and choose the 3rd picture (no skipping), post and explain
This was taken at Lake Mead on our Honeymoon. *Sigh* I got very sick and threw up in the water, but aside from that, I only have good memories of this experience.
2) What is your most embarrassing dating moment? Well, I honestly can't think of anything, personally. I am a flawless date, you know. But I would have to say that my date pooping his pants at junior prom, my senior prom date throwing up, a date breaking the door off when opening it for me, and Craig forgetting to bring cash to pay for parking on our first date and me having to write a check are pretty good embarassing date moments.. let me know if you want any more!
3) What is your favorite song and explain why? I am honestly loving Katy Perry's Teenage Dream right now.. I don't know if I'm having a mid (sort of) twenties crisis right now, but somehow it makes me feel young again. Motherhood has a way of suddenly making you feel old and not "cool" anymore.
4) What is the worst name you heard someone give a baby? Oh, I don't know. I gotta watch what I say, because I have been offended by people not loving names I have loved my entire life (this comment is not directed at you, Craig).
5) Where is your favorite place? I absolutely love Bear Lake.
6) Funniest thing you have ever been asked? If I wanted the sixteen and under discount at an ice skating rink while on a date when I was nineteen.
7) Look to your left...what do see? My messy bed. Making the bed is way over rated these days.
8) Post your favorite recipe as of right now...
Q Doba's Queso Sauce on Breakfast Burritos ( I would eat this every day, seriously)
Queso Sauce
1 cup of shreddred monterey jack cheese
1 cup of American cheese
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
3 roasted poblano peppers (finely chopped)
8 oz tomatoes ( finely chopped)
1 cup heavy cream
1 1/2 tbsp of ground garlic
salt to taste
1 cup of American cheese
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
3 roasted poblano peppers (finely chopped)
8 oz tomatoes ( finely chopped)
1 cup heavy cream
1 1/2 tbsp of ground garlic
salt to taste
For the breakfast burritos I totally just winged it. I cut up an entire green and red pepper, along with like 1/4 of an onion and a few cloves of garlic. I sauteed this in a skillet with spicy Italian sausage. Once everything was cooked, I added like 6 eggs and some of the cream. Oh, and some crushed red pepper and salt and pepper to taste.
Wrap it all up in a tortilla and enjoy!!
Liv and Me Lovin Our Kitchen
Failing is Just Proof That You are Trying
A summer of great memories
Today my heart is feeling very full. I just got back from a beautiful lunch with one of my dearest friends. There is nothing better than spending a lovely afternoon with someone so dear to you and laughing, crying, reminiscing, and leaving with a warm embrace. Afternoons and moments like this are what make up a lifetime full of happiness.
This summer has been one of the greatest summers of learning and growth for me. Just as every season of our lives has its ups and downs, this summer has had its ups and downs. I am so grateful that today while driving home, I was finally able to see things in perspective, and realize that everything that has been hard is foreshadowed by everything that has been so good.
When I think of this summer, I think of sitting in Todd and Ashleigh's living room in Indianapolis watching TV shows with two other beautiful women, and laughing and conversing about life. I think of an amazing day at an amusement park and racing down water slides and watching Olivia's joy as we floated the lazy river. I think about spending wonderful, relaxed Sundays with Craig, Olivia, family, and friends. I think about getting on that escalator in the airport and seeing my brother and sister for the first time in four months, and feeling completely overwhelmed with joy and relief. I think of being there to witness Chris and Alycia being sealed in the Temple, and the sweet and pure love of a beautiful new couple, as they embrace with tears of joy in their eyes. And I wouldn't change a moment of it.
I want to thank my Heavenly Father for teaching me that the greatest things in life and the things that really matter are: Craig, Olivia, family, the Gospel, dear friends..and the blessing of being able to crawl into bed at night with my best friend and the love of my life. Nothing could ever bring me more joy and peace. My heart is overflowing with gratitude.
Craig, I love you and hope you know that you are my hero and my best friend. I can't wait to see you soon and jump into your arms. I think I will probably never let go!!
This summer has been one of the greatest summers of learning and growth for me. Just as every season of our lives has its ups and downs, this summer has had its ups and downs. I am so grateful that today while driving home, I was finally able to see things in perspective, and realize that everything that has been hard is foreshadowed by everything that has been so good.
When I think of this summer, I think of sitting in Todd and Ashleigh's living room in Indianapolis watching TV shows with two other beautiful women, and laughing and conversing about life. I think of an amazing day at an amusement park and racing down water slides and watching Olivia's joy as we floated the lazy river. I think about spending wonderful, relaxed Sundays with Craig, Olivia, family, and friends. I think about getting on that escalator in the airport and seeing my brother and sister for the first time in four months, and feeling completely overwhelmed with joy and relief. I think of being there to witness Chris and Alycia being sealed in the Temple, and the sweet and pure love of a beautiful new couple, as they embrace with tears of joy in their eyes. And I wouldn't change a moment of it.
I want to thank my Heavenly Father for teaching me that the greatest things in life and the things that really matter are: Craig, Olivia, family, the Gospel, dear friends..and the blessing of being able to crawl into bed at night with my best friend and the love of my life. Nothing could ever bring me more joy and peace. My heart is overflowing with gratitude.
Craig, I love you and hope you know that you are my hero and my best friend. I can't wait to see you soon and jump into your arms. I think I will probably never let go!!
Olivia's First 4th of July
Hello everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful, safe 4th of July. And yes, this is me blogging. I know you are shocked!
We had a wonderful 4th of July holiday. We started off the day by having a great breakfast at Todd and Ashleigh's. We should have taken pictures of our delectable german pancake, bacon, and fruit breakfast. I know, story of our lives. Imagine Craig finishing off the last piece of bacon and his really happy, content face, and that should paint a good enough picture.
We then went up into the mountains, ate barbecue and Ashleigh, Olivia, Gus and I watched the boys play soccer and frisbee from the convenience of our air conditioned car. It was very hot and humid up in the mountains. Gus and Olivia were both panting from the heat. Ok, me too.
Later that evening we went to downtown Indianapolis to catch a firework show. We had a great time sitting in the parking lot and enjoying each others company before the show. Todd had purchased some fireworks and we had a few good laughs lighting them off together. It was fun watching Craig and Todd get such a thrill from lighting the fireworks off. For a moment, I caught a glimpse of two little mischievous brothers getting into some trouble. Amazing how things like that make you feel young, again.
The firework show ended up being really great. We turned up our radios and listened to the songs they had compiled for the show. For lack of a better word, it was amazing being there with Craig and Olivia. I just kept thinking about how much I love spending these precious moments with them. I love how the simplest things can make the greatest memories and bring us closer together. I love you two more than anything!!
{Jacquelinne, Olivia & Craig before the firework show}
{Todd, Olivia & Craig before the firework show}

We had a wonderful 4th of July holiday. We started off the day by having a great breakfast at Todd and Ashleigh's. We should have taken pictures of our delectable german pancake, bacon, and fruit breakfast. I know, story of our lives. Imagine Craig finishing off the last piece of bacon and his really happy, content face, and that should paint a good enough picture.
We then went up into the mountains, ate barbecue and Ashleigh, Olivia, Gus and I watched the boys play soccer and frisbee from the convenience of our air conditioned car. It was very hot and humid up in the mountains. Gus and Olivia were both panting from the heat. Ok, me too.
Later that evening we went to downtown Indianapolis to catch a firework show. We had a great time sitting in the parking lot and enjoying each others company before the show. Todd had purchased some fireworks and we had a few good laughs lighting them off together. It was fun watching Craig and Todd get such a thrill from lighting the fireworks off. For a moment, I caught a glimpse of two little mischievous brothers getting into some trouble. Amazing how things like that make you feel young, again.
The firework show ended up being really great. We turned up our radios and listened to the songs they had compiled for the show. For lack of a better word, it was amazing being there with Craig and Olivia. I just kept thinking about how much I love spending these precious moments with them. I love how the simplest things can make the greatest memories and bring us closer together. I love you two more than anything!!
We're Loving This New Swimming Suit
Olivia's Many Mood Swings
Craig, Jac, Olivia & Indy
Greetings from the beautiful city of Indianapolis!
Sorry we haven't blogged yet. I am trying to figure out a routine and learn how to balance my time with taking care of Olivia and working part time from home. It's a work in progress. Olivia is very frustrated with me.
We are starting to adjust to our new lives here in Indy, though. Every day is the exact same, so you think it wouldn't be that hard.
Craig is doing quite well out here. He is keeping up pretty well with the more experienced boys in the group and learning more and more, everyday. He is having fun and excited about the potential he has of doing well this summer. I am excited that he is so pumped.
I am having a lot of fun hanging out with Ashleigh. We spend the majority or our day together and eat dinner together at night, so the days are going really fast. Thank you, Ashleigh, you have really been so helpful, already! Olivia is loving her new girlfriend and all of the company. Mom has become a very boring figure in her life.
We'll get some pictures up soon!
Sorry we haven't blogged yet. I am trying to figure out a routine and learn how to balance my time with taking care of Olivia and working part time from home. It's a work in progress. Olivia is very frustrated with me.
We are starting to adjust to our new lives here in Indy, though. Every day is the exact same, so you think it wouldn't be that hard.
Craig is doing quite well out here. He is keeping up pretty well with the more experienced boys in the group and learning more and more, everyday. He is having fun and excited about the potential he has of doing well this summer. I am excited that he is so pumped.
I am having a lot of fun hanging out with Ashleigh. We spend the majority or our day together and eat dinner together at night, so the days are going really fast. Thank you, Ashleigh, you have really been so helpful, already! Olivia is loving her new girlfriend and all of the company. Mom has become a very boring figure in her life.
We'll get some pictures up soon!
Busy, Busy, Busy
Things have been really busy, busy, busy for us. I have been working a lot lately and had the privilege of packing up the entire house by myself last week so that we could move last weekend. It was NUTS!! And Olivia was, well, somewhat cooperative.
We have landed at my parents house this week before we leave for Indianapolis. We are getting really excited. We keep hearing from people how amazing the city is, and how much we're going to love it out there. I am pumped for our little adventure.
I am working right now on my work's new blog. Just had to share a few of my latest creations. I'm having way too much fun with this!

and the cutie little stamp..
Check out my latest postings on the blog I just finished my first article. Starting next week, the blog will be updated everyday, so make sure to stop by often for great design advice, happenings at the store, and, hopefully, a good laugh.
We have landed at my parents house this week before we leave for Indianapolis. We are getting really excited. We keep hearing from people how amazing the city is, and how much we're going to love it out there. I am pumped for our little adventure.
I am working right now on my work's new blog. Just had to share a few of my latest creations. I'm having way too much fun with this!

and the cutie little stamp..
Check out my latest postings on the blog I just finished my first article. Starting next week, the blog will be updated everyday, so make sure to stop by often for great design advice, happenings at the store, and, hopefully, a good laugh.
$100 Mother's Day Gift Certificate Giveaway
Hello, friends!Become a fan on faceook of my work My Finer Consigner and post a comment on their page to be automatically entered into a $100 Mother's Day gift certificate giveaway. We will be awarding two gift certificates that may be redeemed at both our Utah locations. Winners will be announced on Saturday, May 8th.
These are a few of my favorite Finer Finds. Enjoy!






Become a fan on faceook of my work My Finer Consigner and post a comment on their page to be automatically entered into a $100 Mother's Day gift certificate giveaway. We will be awarding two gift certificates that may be redeemed at both our Utah locations. Winners will be announced on Saturday, May 8th.
These are a few of my favorite Finer Finds. Enjoy!






Big News
My work finally is under new ownership and we are excited to announce that we are changing from The Finer Consigner to My Finer Consigner.
I am thrilled to also announce that My Finer Consigner will not only be carrying consigned items, but will also be carrying product lines found at Ballard Designs, Pottery Barn and Crate and Barrel. We will be the only destination in Utah to find these products at lower than retail prices! Can you imagine!?
We will also be offering classes, exclusive promotions, and monthly parties to anyone who has a My Finer Consigner Membership. Rumor is that members have the opportunity to get one item at cost per quarter. This is huge!
Please join me on our email list to receive exclusive coupons, and news from My Finer Consigner. Our goal is to get one thousand new contacts by the end of this month, so make sure to tell of your friends and comment in this post with your email.
Thanks so much!
Hit The Road Jack..and Craig and Olivia
I have spent the majority of my day making arrangements for our move out to Indiana this summer. The list of "things to do" keeps getting added to. Thank goodness I have a month to get everything done. I have a feeling things are still going to be a bit hectic around here.
I am excited for our move, though. Olivia and I both agree that we are tired of being in a one bedroom apartment in the basement all day, everyday. There will be lots of opportunity for many adventures for the two of us in our new place. We can go for a walk, take a swim, play tennis, or workout in the workout facilities whenever we want. And, bonus, Princess Olivia will have her own bedroom.
Most of all, we are excited to be able to spend more time together as a family this summer. Craig will be working from noon to nine o clock most days, but it will definitely be a step up from Dad going to work early in the morning then heading straight to school until late in the evening. Olivia will be in heaven. She loves her Daddy!
I am excited for our move, though. Olivia and I both agree that we are tired of being in a one bedroom apartment in the basement all day, everyday. There will be lots of opportunity for many adventures for the two of us in our new place. We can go for a walk, take a swim, play tennis, or workout in the workout facilities whenever we want. And, bonus, Princess Olivia will have her own bedroom.
Most of all, we are excited to be able to spend more time together as a family this summer. Craig will be working from noon to nine o clock most days, but it will definitely be a step up from Dad going to work early in the morning then heading straight to school until late in the evening. Olivia will be in heaven. She loves her Daddy!
Olivia's Baby Blessing

Olivia was blessed on the 14th of March. It was a beautiful day and amazing to have family and close friends their to be a part of her special day.

Olivia wearing the dress that I made for her and her patent ballet slipper pink shoes. She was
in love the minute we put them on her. She couldn't
take her eyes off of her feet.






Cheesecake cupcakes
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